Happy belated opening day to all you baseball fans out there. I'll hold my celebrations for when the Sox win more than 80 this year, but off to a good start here at the Fens. Good luck to everyone else this year....unless you're Yankees fan, sorry (I'm not sorry). Apart from baseball, I know it’s spring because rugby seems to consume my life more than normal in this particular season. I coach, play and usually am still indulging in quite a bit of it. So, no matter what siri or alexa tells you about the weather, it’s spring, trust me.
Alright to the meat of this post. I want to hit on something that is super important and this pertains to anyone reading this, weather you lift (workout) or not. I'd like you to think about this, think about when you had a loved one or a good friend that you care about come to you and say they’re going to start hitting the gym or the like. Whether that was in January when it seems everyone and their cousin does it, or maybe in like April or May when the weather tends to be nicer. What was your reaction? What did you say to them Assuming you weren't that person?In any case what did you say to them, assuming you weren't that person? Maybe you were providing the positive encouragement for them going to do so in the first place, in which case bravo to you.
Keep that thought, hopefully it was, at least, a somewhat positive or encouraging reaction. Something like “sounds good”, or even better, “how can I help?” Unfortunately, we all know others out there are thinking that they may not have acted so positively. It’s OK, you can still make amends, assuming the person doesn’t currently hate your guts, in which case, you’re S.O.L. I’ve heard of some absolute nightmare stories where loved ones didn’t like the aesthetics of a person and, more or less, forced the person into the gym, not such great "encouragement" to that person. You're now part of the problem, congratulations. The point we’re getting at here is one of the biggest reasons people stop training, working out or just plain getting to the gym is lack of a support system. Most people need it because not everyone has it so easy where they can wake up at the absolute butt crack of dawn and get themselves to the gym. Shoot I know I need it sometimes, and I've been at this for not too short of a time. Sometimes you pay for someone to become a part of your support system, a trainer or coach. That's great, buuuuut a coach only sees them for an hour a week, maybe 3 tops. It’s up to everyone else thats around them the other 160+ hours in their life to support them in their goals. At the very least, help them build the habit up, then it’ll become more of a little nudge now and again as opposed to every day. The better the support system, the more little nudges the person gets. The coach nudges the client, their significant other nudges them, their parents nudge them and their best friend nudges them and boom they've dragged themselves in when they didn't quite feel up to it.
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I'm not saying everyone in this person's life needs to drop what they're doing and support them. Just don't be part of the problem if you don't want to be part of the solution. Whether you know someone that wants to run a marathon, pick up some really heavy stuff, make the varsity team or anywhere in between, they'll appreciate your support. No reason to be part of the problem, unless you're a real jerk like that, in which case you're reading the wrong site.
Summary of the message; Trainees and clients- Keep the people supporting you around, like a lot. Friends and family of trainees and clients- Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. That's all I got today everyone, go out there and get after it!
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AuthorJarrod Dyke, CSCS Archives
September 2024
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