My Story
I’ve played sports my whole life, through that I started to learn about strength training. From high school until the day I write this I’ve lifted weights. I really started taking a bigger interest in the field during college. I had changed majors officially twice and in my head countless times. In the end it turned out calculus wasn’t my strong suit, bye bye engineering.
While trying to figure out where to focus in my studies a teammate of mine brought to light the majors related to health and wellness. I decided on the major I eventually got my bachelors in, Kinesiology and Exercise Science. After I made that decision, there were still many bumps in the road to get over.
In fall of 2009 I wasn’t playing rugby, my knees were acting up constantly so I decided to take time off from it. Oh how little did I know, it made things worse! I got all the way up to an unhealthy feeling 280 pounds. Going in to fall of the next school year I was presented with a chance to work with the strength and conditioning staff and Coach Dan Nichol. I owe Coach Nichol a great big chunk of gratitude to getting me to where I am today. He put me on the right path and firmly kicked my ass down it. I dropped the extra weight, got strong, got myself back to the point where I could run around the pitch and not hurt with every step.
Eventually I finished my work there and moved on to my internship at Parisi in Saco, Maine another place I owe plenty to, thanks Greg. There I really learned about moving better on and off the field. 5 months later I found myself packing up and moving to Boston for my first training job. At the end of the summer in 2012 I moved to a job where I met so many great people that are still impacting me to this day. Now I'm here trying to help people the best way I know I can.
Those to Thank
To Catherine-You’ve always supported me and now you've taken this crazy jump with me
To my old teammates Brian and Mike-You guys showed me the way, thanks gents
To Coach Dan Nichol-As I stated I owe you big time for kicking my backside down this path
To Greg Hatheway- Thank you for showing me how to conduct myself as a coach
To Michael-The only reason I might be considered a respectable coach is thanks to you my brother
To Ant-Thank you for a learning experience I won’t soon forget
To Tony and Rebecca-Thank you for this amazing opportunity, you have made a dream a reality
Last and in no possible way least, to Mom-You raised me to believe in something and believed in me, it made me the man I am today
I’ve played sports my whole life, through that I started to learn about strength training. From high school until the day I write this I’ve lifted weights. I really started taking a bigger interest in the field during college. I had changed majors officially twice and in my head countless times. In the end it turned out calculus wasn’t my strong suit, bye bye engineering.
While trying to figure out where to focus in my studies a teammate of mine brought to light the majors related to health and wellness. I decided on the major I eventually got my bachelors in, Kinesiology and Exercise Science. After I made that decision, there were still many bumps in the road to get over.
In fall of 2009 I wasn’t playing rugby, my knees were acting up constantly so I decided to take time off from it. Oh how little did I know, it made things worse! I got all the way up to an unhealthy feeling 280 pounds. Going in to fall of the next school year I was presented with a chance to work with the strength and conditioning staff and Coach Dan Nichol. I owe Coach Nichol a great big chunk of gratitude to getting me to where I am today. He put me on the right path and firmly kicked my ass down it. I dropped the extra weight, got strong, got myself back to the point where I could run around the pitch and not hurt with every step.
Eventually I finished my work there and moved on to my internship at Parisi in Saco, Maine another place I owe plenty to, thanks Greg. There I really learned about moving better on and off the field. 5 months later I found myself packing up and moving to Boston for my first training job. At the end of the summer in 2012 I moved to a job where I met so many great people that are still impacting me to this day. Now I'm here trying to help people the best way I know I can.
Those to Thank
To Catherine-You’ve always supported me and now you've taken this crazy jump with me
To my old teammates Brian and Mike-You guys showed me the way, thanks gents
To Coach Dan Nichol-As I stated I owe you big time for kicking my backside down this path
To Greg Hatheway- Thank you for showing me how to conduct myself as a coach
To Michael-The only reason I might be considered a respectable coach is thanks to you my brother
To Ant-Thank you for a learning experience I won’t soon forget
To Tony and Rebecca-Thank you for this amazing opportunity, you have made a dream a reality
Last and in no possible way least, to Mom-You raised me to believe in something and believed in me, it made me the man I am today